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New Module: Timeline

GZCMS now has a new module type that can be used. It is called 'Timeline' - it is a powerpack module that can be used to display a visual 'timeline' of events within the pagebuilder.

To start adding new content to a page:

  1. open the Page Editor using the black bar at the top of your screen
  2. click the + Plus symbol in the top right corner (next to the Done button) as shown to the right
  3. this will open a sidebar menu of content options that can be dragged out onto the page
  4. ensure the "Modules" tab within the sidebar is selected to view the Standard Modules group of content options
  5. In the Group Drop-down select the PowerPack Modules.
  6. In the Creative Modules - PowerPack area drag in the Timelines widget.
  7. Select your options and save
Where to find it

01 Start

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam blandit eget enim eget accumsan. In mollis nisi a dui blandit elementum. In ipsum purus, pellentesque ut feugiat eget, facilisis quis purus. Nulla in viverra ex. Aliquam at imperdiet lacus, vitae sollicitudin purus. Donec eu tortor neque. Sed interdum augue ut tincidunt sodales.

02 Middle

Nullam id diam augue. Cras posuere vestibulum purus, ac feugiat dolor auctor sed. Mauris eget vestibulum risus. Nullam feugiat sem et mattis fringilla. Morbi at leo eu mauris sagittis sagittis id vel urna. Phasellus efficitur augue est, eget ultrices mauris pretium non. In lobortis cursus massa euismod accumsan.

03 End

Nunc tortor sem, consequat id tincidunt quis, volutpat nec sapien. Nam ullamcorper dolor eu molestie elementum. Proin tincidunt ante ex, quis aliquam sapien sagittis ut. Aenean lacinia sapien ac mauris tempor malesuada. Phasellus ut laoreet dolor, blandit mattis ante. Nam eleifend magna ac justo finibus, non tincidunt nunc convallis. Mauris erat lacus, tincidunt id odio et, pharetra pulvinar libero. Duis eleifend quam placerat, tincidunt enim ac, mattis eros. Nullam iaculis nunc sit amet viverra volutpat.

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