Database Module Pages
The business directory, events pages, and other database-populated pages are considered database module pages, and the content of those pages is edited within your database and fed to the website within a template.
Integration Knowledge Base
Are you managing your own website instead of using a GrowthZone CMS website and looking for integration resources?
What is the difference between a module page and content page?
A “module” page refers to any page that is displaying content fed by your ChamberMaster or GrowthZone database. On most of our websites, these pages can easily be identified by the “Powered by ChamberMaster” or “Powered by GrowthZone” badges at the bottom of the page content. A “content” page starts out as a blank page on your site and is populated by text, images, links, and other content of your creation.
What is a module template?
When your site is created, a template page is created and assigned for use with all of the modules. Any updates made to this page will update all assigned module pages. A template page is like a static frame that displays around the content that is feeding from your database.
In layman’s terms, you are always seeing the same “page” regardless of which module you’re viewing; it is only the database content that is changing within that block of the page so you would edit this content within your database to update the site.

How to Add Modules & Widgets Based on Your Software Version
Select your database version below to learn about adding content that auto-populates on your website!